A different kind of date night - Sydney Community College

A different kind of date night

Sydney Community College Blog | on 7 June 2019

Ellen taking a picture of Will holding an Ottoman frame
Photo by @renewedbyannette

Meet the Ottoman Engineers

We recently had the pleasure of teaching two engineers how to stuff an Ottoman! Sydney couple Ellen and Will were looking for a new kind of date night when they signed up to learn Woodworking & Upholstery. The course was a Christmas gift from Ellen, inspired by Will’s reputation for being “not so good with the tools”. And like much of what they learn together, it became a little competitive - as Will’s “measure twice” approach was pitted against Ellen’s “keepin’ it creative”. View this post on Instagram A post shared by re•new (@renewedbyannette) “He’s all about correct measurements and colour coordination”, says Ellen, “while I take a more creative approach.” After the first class, teacher Annette quipped on Instagram “What do you get when an engineer couple attend a night class? Precision measuring and a spot of friendly competition. It's going to be fun watching these ottomans come together… By the end of the course, she was impressed to say “they even put down their rulers and 'freestyled' the placement of their decorative upholstery tacks as a finishing touch”. Environmental engineer Ellen said she and her chemical engineer husband really enjoyed the experience and looked forward to every Monday night class. “It’s a different approach to date night,” says Ellen. “I loved every aspect, with (The Bower’s) ethos on repair.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by re•new (@renewedbyannette) This couple are not alone in seeking out things they can learn together. Many Sydney Community College enrolments come in twos, as couples, friends and family members look for creative ways to spend time together. It’s a night out, but not focussed around eating and drinking, and when you’re focussed on a project together, the conversation can flow more easily. But it’s not always BYO friend, as many also attend solo but make new acquaintances along the way – and you know you’re going to have at least one thing in common with someone you meet at a class. And as for our couple Ellen and Will, perhaps they’ll turn up next at our Interior Design and Styling Course: Beginners to learn how to make those Ottomans not compete with each other back at home.

Woodwork DIY Short Courses

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