Portfolio Evidence
Satisfactory Result
- Assessor will mark evidence provided against the key competencies of the unit
Non Satisfactory Result
- Evidence provided does not meet all of the key competencies in the unit
Questions (written or verbal)
Satisfactory Result
- All questions answered correctly
- Answers address the question in full referring to appropriate sources from the workbook and/or workplace
Non Satisfactory Result
- Incorrect answers for one or more question/s
- Answers do not address the question in full
- Does not refer to appropriate or correct sources
Third party judged on performance in the workplace
Satisfactory Result
- Supervisor or manager observes work performance and confirms that student consistently met the standards expected from an experienced operator
Non Satisfactory Result
- Could not demonstrate consistency
- Could not demonstrate the ability to achieve the required standard
Written activity
Satisfactory Result
- All requirements of the written activity are addressed/covered and any attachments/appendices, if requested, are attached
- Responses must refer to appropriate sources from the workbook and/or workplace One or more of the project requirements answered incorrectly
Non Satisfactory Result
- Response does not address the project requirements in full - is missing a response for one or more areas
- Requested supplementary items are not attached
- One or more of the project requirements answered incorrectly
- Does not refer to or use appropriate or correct sources of information
Observation in workplace by assessor
Satisfactory Result
- All elements, criteria and critical aspects of evidence, are demonstrated at the appropriate AQF level
Non Satisfactory Result
- Could not demonstrate elements, criteria and critical aspects of evidence, at the appropriate AQF level
Case Study Comprehension and Associated Questions
Satisfactory Result
- All comprehension questions answered correctly, demonstrating an application of knowledge of the topic to the case study;
- Answers address the question in full referring to appropriate sources from the workbook and/or workplace.
Non Satisfactory Result
- Lack of demonstrated comprehension of the underpinning knowledge required to complete the case study questions correctly;
- One or more questions answered incorrectly;
- Answers do not address the question in full, do not refer to appropriate sources.
Remember: see the mapping document for the cluster or individual unit of competency.